ESLint Complexity of Code | eslintcc


is a ECMAScript/JavaScript/TypeScript tool that computes complexity of code by using ESLint

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ESLint Complexity of Code

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ESLintCC is a ECMAScript/JavaScript/TypeScript tool that computes complexity of code by using ESLint

ESLint calculates complexity of code, while this tool only collects a report based on his complexity rule messages

Installation and Usage

Requirements, principles of local and global installation and usage are the same as ESLint Installation and Usage


$ npm install -g eslintcc
$ eslintcc yourfile.js


$ npm install eslintcc
$ ./node_modules/.bin/eslintcc yourfile.js

NPX (you can do it without installing):

$ npx eslintcc yourfile.js

Integration in JavaScript application (see more…):

const { Complexity } = require('eslintcc');

const complexity = new Complexity();
const report = await complexity.lintFiles(['yourfile.js']);

console.log(JSON.stringify(report, null, '\t'));

Note: ESLintCC ignores all rules, specified in configuration files, and uses to generate a report only complexity rules.


ESLintCC uses ESLint along with Its configuration system. You can use configuration comments and files, as described in the configuration for ESLint.

Difference: ESLintCC uses its own settings for complexity rules, so they cannot be overridden through a configuration file. However, you can disable them locally in the file.


  1. You can configurate parserOptions or parser for specify the JavaScript language support. .eslintrc.json:
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 2021,
    "sourceType": "module"
  "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser"
  1. You can disable checks for a specific complexity rule for a file or part of file using a comment:
// For a file
/* eslint max-params: off, max-depth: off */

function myFunc(a, b, c, d, e) {
// For a block
/* eslint-disable max-params */
function myFunc(a, b, c, d, e) {
/* eslint-enable max-params */
function myFunc2(a, b) {
// For a line
/* eslint-disable-next-line max-params */
function myFunc(a, b, c, d, e) {

Customize parser

Examples of ESLint Parser configuration

Babel parser

Using Babel you can support experimental syntax. For example private fields and methods for classes.

See package @babel/eslint-parser


  "devDependencies": {
    "@babel/eslint-parser": "latest",
    "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "latest",
    "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods": "latest"


  "parser": "@babel/eslint-parser",
  "parserOptions": {
    "sourceType": "module",
    "babelOptions": {
      "configFile": "./babel.config.json"


  "plugins": [

TypeScript parser

See package @typescript-eslint/parser

This parser is used you can add a code complexity score to your TypeScript project. In this case, the same standard ESLint rules are used for calculating complexity, described in “Complexity ranks” section.


  "devDependencies": {
    "typescript": "latest",
    "@typescript-eslint/parser": "latest",
    "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "latest"


  "overrides": [
      "files": [
      "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
      "plugins": [
      "extends": [

Complexity ranks

Every function and block will be ranked from A (best complexity score) to F (worst one). This ranks is based on the ranks of complexity of the Python Radon.

Rank Risk

Ranks corresponds to rule complexity scores as follows:

Rules A B C D E F
complexity 1 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 +
max-depth 1 - 2 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 9 +
max-nested-callbacks 1 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 20 21 +
max-params 1 2 3 - 4 5 6 7 +
max-lines 1 - 75 76 - 150 151 - 300 301 - 450 451 - 600 601 +
max-lines-per-function 1 - 13 14 - 25 26 - 50 51 - 75 76 - 100 101 +
max-statements 1 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 20 21 +

Note: For rank “C”, the maximum score, using from the standard score of ESLint rules. See complexity rules. Other rules are calculated relative to the values of the “complexity” rule.

Example formula: [5, 10, 20, 30, 40].map(score => Math.round((score / 20) * defaultRuleScoreLimit))

Command line options

Command line format:

$ eslintcc [options] file.js [file.js] [dir]
Option Type Description
–rules <rules>, -r=<rules> Array of String Rule, or group: all, logic, raw. Default: logic
–format <format>, -f=<format> String Use a specific output format, text or json. Default: text
–average, -a Flag Show the average complexity at the end of output, if used text format
–show-rules, -sr Flag Show rule name and value, if used text format
–greater-than <value>, -gt=<value> String or Number Will show rules more than rank a, b, c, d, e, or rank value
–less-than <value>, -lt=<value> String or Number Will show rules less than rank b, c, d, e, f, or rank value
–no-inline-config, -nlc Flag Disable the use of configuration comments (such as /*eslint-disable*/)
–max-rank <value>, -mr=<value> String or Number Maximum allowed complexity rank for a single message. Default: C
–max-average-rank <value>, -mar=<value> String or Number Maximum allowed complexity rank for average value. Default: B

If the rank value for one message or the average value is higher than the allowed value, the program terminates with error code 1

Command examples

Output as JSON and show rules more than rank E:

$ npx eslintcc -f=json -gt=e file.js

Use only 2 rules and show rule name:

$ npx eslintcc --rules complexity --rules max-depth --show-rules file.js

Output examples

Based on the test files from the directory: ./test/src/

  $ npx eslintcc --show-rules ./test/src/complexity__max_rank.js
  B test/src/complexity__max_rank.js
    D  3:0 function MyFunc (max-params = 4)
    A  9:0 function MyFunc1 (max-params = 1)
    A 15:0 function MyFunc2 (max-params = 1)
    A 21:0 function MyFunc3 (max-params = 1)
    B 27:0 function myFunc4 (max-params = 2)
    A 28:2 function myFunc4, IfStatement (28:2-32:3) (max-depth = 1)
    A 29:7 function myFunc4, arrow function (29:7-31:5) (max-nested-callbacks = 1)
  Error: Complexity of code above maximum allowable rank C (3), messages - 1

  $ npx eslintcc --format json ./test/src/complexity__max_average_rank.js
  {"files":[{"file":"/development/github/eslintcc/test/src/complexity__max_average_rank.js","messages":[{"loc":{"start":{"line":3,"column":0},"end":{"line":5,"column":1}},"type":"function","name":"function MyFunc","rules":{"max-params":{"value":3,"rank":3,"label":"C"},"complexity":{"value":1,"rank":0.2,"label":"A"}},"maxRule":"max-params"}],"average":{"rank":3,"label":"C"}}],"average":{"rank":3,"label":"C"},"ranks":{"A":0,"B":0,"C":1,"D":0,"E":0,"F":0},"errors":{"maxRank":0,"maxAverageRank":true}}

  $ npx eslintcc --show-rules ./test/src/custom_parser/typescript-eslint-parser.ts
  A test/src/custom_parser/typescript-eslint-parser.ts
    A 6:7 function test (max-params = 1)
    A 7:4 function test, IfStatement (7:4-11:5) (max-depth = 1)

Node.js API

While ESLintСС is designed to be run on the command line, it’s possible to use ESLintСС programmatically through the Node.js API. The purpose of the Node.js API is to allow plugin and tool authors to use the ESLintСС functionality directly, without going through the command line interface.

Complexity class

Is a main class for use in Node.js applications.


const { Complexity } = require('eslintcc');

const complexity = new Complexity({
  rules: 'logic',
  eslintOptions: {
    useEslintrc: false,
    overrideConfig: {
      parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
      plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'],
      extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended']
const report = await complexity.lintFiles(['yourfile.ts']);

console.log(JSON.stringify(report, null, '\t'));

new Complexity(options)

Class options equivalent to the command line (see Command line options):

Additional options available in API mode:


const complexity = new Complexity({
  ranks: {
    'complexity': { A: 5, B: 10, C: 20, D: 30, E: 40, F: Infinity }
    'max-depth': { A: 2, B: 3, C: 4, D: 6, E: 8, F: Infinity}


This method lints the files that match the glob patterns and then returns the results.


Return Value

Promise<ComplexityResult> - The promise that will be fulfilled with an ComplexityResult object.


  'average': { 'rank': 0.2, 'label': 'A' },
  'errors': {
    'maxAverageRank': false,
    'maxRank': 0
  'ranks': {
    'A': 1,
    'B': 0,
    'C': 0,
    'D': 0,
    'E': 0,
    'F': 0
  'files': [{
    'average': { 'rank': 0.2, 'label': 'A' },
    'file': ...absolute path to file...,
    'messages': [{
      'type': 'function',
      'loc': { 'start': { 'line': 3, 'column': 0 }, 'end': { 'line': 5, 'column': 1 } },
      'name': 'function myFunc',
      'rules': { 'complexity': { 'value': 1, 'rank': 0.2, 'label': 'A' } },
      'maxRule': 'complexity'